Monday, March 18, 2013

How to Keep on Going When the Road Seems Long

Do you ever feel like all your hard work is in vain?

You clean your house, but it’s dirty again the next day.

You strive to teach your children something, but it seems like they never learn.

You want to change a bad habit but fall back into the same trap.

You resolve to be more patient, but once again you find your nerves on edge and your voice rising.

Here in the Mslm World we share our faith and sow seed in hard ground, but few respond.  


Linda said...

Oh, Olive Tree, I'm sorry things are frustrating sometimes. Bless your heart. I think you are more than amazing in following where God has pointed you and I believe--I know--you are making a difference. Hang in there, sweet friend! I pray for you each morning.


Betsy de Cruz said...

Thanks so much Linda. You are amazing. Thanks so much for praying for me!